Purse and Entry Fees - Guaranteed, No Car Minimums.
Updated: Footbrake Purse Structure....
Super Pro - Entry Fee - $60; Buy Backs - $30 (1st & 2nd round)
$20 Round Money beginning w/ 3rd round winners
Winner - $1,600, Runner-up - $400, Semis - $50 + round money - (61+ Cars)
Winner - $1,500, Runner-up - $300, Semis - $50 + round money - (45 - 60 Cars)
Winner - $1,200, Runner-up - $200, Semis - $50 + round money - (31 - 44 Cars)
Winner - $1,000, Runner-up - $200, Semis - $50 + round money - (1 - 30 Cars)
Footbrake - Entry Fee - $45; Buy Backs - $20 (1st & 2nd round)
$15 Round Money beginning w/ 3rd round winners
Winner - $1,500, Runner-up - $400, Semis - $100 + round money - (61+ Cars)
Winner - $1,000, Runner-up - $325, Semis - $75 + round money - (45 - 60 Cars)
Winner - $900, Runnr-up - $250, Semis - $25 + round money - (31 - 44 Cars)
Winner - $800, Runner-up - $200, Semis - $25 + round money - (1 - 30 Cars)
DOT / Street - Entry Fee - $25; Buy Backs - $10 (1st & 2nd round)
Winner - $175, Runner-up - $50, Semis - $25 (21 - + Cars)
Winner - $150, Runner-up - $50, Semis - $15 (11 - 20 Cars)
Winner - $100, Runner-up - $50 - (1 - 10 Cars)
Jr. Dragster - Entry Fee - $20; Buy Backs - $10 (1st & 2nd round)
Winner - $250, Runner-up - $100, Semis - $50 - (25 + Cars)
Winner - $200, Runner-up - $100, Semis - $50 - (24 or less Cars)
Motorcycles - Entry Fee - $25; Buy Backs - $10 (1st & 2nd round)
100% Payout of Entry Fees, Split 70% Winner, 30% Runner-up
Dash for Cash will be $10 in all regular bracket classes.
See full details on Entry Fees & Purse page.
NOTE: Buy backs will be allowed in the first and second round of eliminiations of all classes.
NOTE: Car count for the class is the number of cars that cross (under power) the "commit to race line" at the front of the staging lanes for the first round. Count will be announced as soon as possilbe after the first round.